there's not doubt about it, i'm not getting any younger so i think its time to start an official Bucket List, so here goes (in no particular order) - i'll add to it when i think of more, the possibilities are endless especially when my independently wealthy plans come to fruition!
1. learn how to snowboard (and be good at it!)
(as of 11/13/2009 - this one is officially in the works! my first snowboarding trip will be this January as an early birthday present from a VERY old friend! SO STOKED! i am SO on my way ;) - UPDATE: well this has been canceled due to immanent work weather that has got me completely snowed in for the remainder of January, oh well - another time i guess)2. visit Fiji for a two week vacation
3. go hiking in Slovenia
4. visit Hart Brown in the Caribbean
5. go zip lining in Costa Rica
6. go skydiving in New Zealand
7. eventually fall in love (real love) and get married and then have a family
8. visit Italy to learn about my heritage
9. sit front row at a UFC fight in Vegas
10. go to a Steeler's game in PA
11. eat a Kobe beef fillet (medium rare please)
12. stay at an ashram in India for a month of personal growth and inner development
13. become independently wealthy (this one is a given, but i thought i'd write it to be on the safe side, just so the universe and i are for sure on the same page)