i didn't train with the purpose of being a triathlete anymore? what would i do? who would i be?
a circus clown? i could travel to the ends of the earth with a painted face and a silly red nose, run around like a goof and bring smiles to children's faces, pet the animals and watch the trapeze artists in awe as they transport themselves from one end of the tent to the other with the ease of an arrow and the elegance of a feather - BUT i'm not all that fond of makeup and i definitely think that a red nose might cause me some serious distractions when walking down the street. running seems to be a problem and circus animals tend to be of the wild nature so i'm not so sure petting them would be the most intelligent decision i've ever made...
a circus clown? i could travel to the ends of the earth with a painted face and a silly red nose, run around like a goof and bring smiles to children's faces, pet the animals and watch the trapeze artists in awe as they transport themselves from one end of the tent to the other with the ease of an arrow and the elegance of a feather - BUT i'm not all that fond of makeup and i definitely think that a red nose might cause me some serious distractions when walking down the street. running seems to be a problem and circus animals tend to be of the wild nature so i'm not so sure petting them would be the most intelligent decision i've ever made...

an igloo architect? i could live in the billowing winds of Alaska with the cool temps of a rising nation where Eskimos thrive on the wilderness around - the fresh fish in the streams, the long nights of endless sleep and the thrill of building something with my hands for all to see and a nice family to live in - BUT i hate, hate HATE being cold and i'm no good at math and where there are fresh fish in clean streams there are big bears with growling bellies...

a teleprompter? i could live in Hollywood with all of the gorgeous celebrities and their small dogs where life is measured by the car you drive and the label on your ass. i could hold each card with strength and determination to not let one word slip by unnoticed, one exclamation point go unclaimed, dine with the great chefs that appear on Reggis and Kelly or rub elbows with Oprah and her fanfare - BUT i really am not very fond of pretentious people and i can't afford all the material things that would ingratiate me into the lives of the rich and famous, plus i wouldn't get much work done fore i'd be forever stalking the man of my dreams (well if he was a real person and not just a character)...

update - they apparently just use computers for this now :(
non of these seem to be very viable options...maybe i'll just be me and live with the fact that i may not be meant to be a triathlon great. maybe i'll just settle for being able to walk and maybe one day being able to run a mile or two with my kids while teaching them how to shoot and score on an open field where goals are made and big hugs are won. maybe just maybe i'll wait a bit longer before deciding my fate although i have a feeling my knees are in the midst of deciding that for me.
Well if you ask me, I say you should be a writer! Your blog is always entertaining with a great writing style. (You just sometimes need an editor to catch those typos... ;)
Katrina, you are NOT defined by whether or not you can do triathlons!! You were a whole person before you started triathlon, and you will be a whole person after you finish. You are twenty-eight years old, and have your whole brilliant life ahead of you. Have some faith, girlie!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
no, i was a whole person before my brother died, triahtlon became what i was after...now i have to find what i am now...just stating the facts as i see them and trying to figure it out from there.
Being a great triathlete isn't defined by how you finish, but how you compete. And I always thought you were you, not triathlon. I still think so. And I agree...you are still trying to figure out who you are. But that may have been an issue regardless of the loss of your brother. Triathlon brought you us, though. I look forward to knowing whomever you turn out to be...
maybe you should coach. or invent something that makes me not swim in a curvy line. or make it easier for me to be on the computer and the trainer simultaneously.
or maybe you should just be. there's a lot more to life than triathlon. there better be!
I hear ya.
My knee is my weak link...still.
I was told by an engineer that the human knee is a bad design and that's why so many people have trouble with them.
Heal up and sloooooooooowly get back into it if you so desire.
Keep an open mind.
i love you no matter who you are or what you do Katie B....and that's all i know
I love the fact that you came up with so many options...creative gal! The last bit of your post is a lovely scenario. That, or a dolphin trainer.
Patience my friend...big hug. KB
Love reading your blog. Whatever direction life takes you, keep your smile on and know you'll succeed.
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