it was a good one.
nothing in the way of record books or memoirs - just a solid, good day. had a nice and leisurely 23 or so mile ride from the LLS office to the coast - which by the way ended up being much more climby than i had imagined. i had forgotten my nutrition so i took a water bottle and played follow the leader over to Torrey where i am not ashamed to admit that i did NOT want to descend - so we didn't. i had my first true "off season" moment of i don't need to do this. i don't want to do this. so i'm not going to do this. so we just about faced and headed back. it was that simple, that easy, that glorious.
the 09 Lavaman kickoff followed and i was introduced as "Coach Katie" two separate times and that was way cool. i actually sounded very knowledgeable and maybe a bit insightful according to onlookers and i couldn't have been more pleased with the turnout. i will however have to convince this group that advanced/experienced run is a fun thing and not a torture device we have created to punish them :)
then i got to hang out with my newest posse of friends for a very yummy birthday breakfast, followed up by a visit to one of my very favorite people i've had the pleasure and luck to not only know, but count as a true friend where we spent hours gabbing and catching up. and then it hit me.
i am a lucky, lucky girl.
i have so many caring people in my life - those who bring me up when i am down, those who light the dim rooms and chase away the shadows, those who add laughter and lighthearted antics that only we could pull off in each other's company, and those who just plain like me for me - in all of my weird and meaningful ways.
its a good day when you see the world for all its worth in ways you hadn't even imagined.
maybe its because its November. maybe its because its close to Thanksgiving, or maybe, just maybe its because its life and and i'm grateful to be apart of those lives who mean so much to me on whatever level they reside.
Good days are great days...and it is important to reflect on them and think about how great they are. My saturday was equally great. Thanks for being a part of it!
Love you Katie Girl!
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