Mover - Mov"er\, n.
1. A person or thing that moves, stirs, or changes place.
2. A person or thing that imparts motion, or causes change of place; a motor.
3. One who, or that which, excites, instigates, or causes movement, change, etc.; as, movers of sedition.
1. A person or thing that moves, stirs, or changes place.
2. A person or thing that imparts motion, or causes change of place; a motor.
3. One who, or that which, excites, instigates, or causes movement, change, etc.; as, movers of sedition.
shaker - shak·er\, n.
1. One that shakes: a shaker of long-held beliefs and traditions.
2. One that impels, encourages, or supervises action.
1. One that shakes: a shaker of long-held beliefs and traditions.
2. One that impels, encourages, or supervises action.
movers and shakers, powerful and influential people
movers and shakers, powerful and influential people
so what does this mean? it means i like change. I CRAVE CHANGE. i like to be the catalyst that creates that change whether it be in myself or the ones around me. i went to a college that i had no friends attending. i moved to CA two days after graduation on a self determined whim. all in response to this NEED for change. BIG change. all on my own, balls out, fight or flight moves. something i've noticed is that it tends to come and go in waves not to over extend one and two year cycles, me and change that is. i have never had a consistent relationship that lasted more than two years. i always break it off (without consciously realizing it) just before or right around the 24th month. case in point - Wadsworth and BOD, both what one might consider "serious" relationships - although knowing what i know now they would both have to be classified as jokes - were both ended by yours truly just before il contrassegno biennale. another instance, slightly different to illustrate the point - i've gone from a bouncy blonde, to a racy red, to a bright brunette and every color in between. i have lived in Rancho Santa Margarita, San Marcos, Encinitas, La Jolla, Mission Valley, Pt. Loma, Normal Heights and Ocean Beach since i've lived in this crazy state. i have now been at my current job for two and a half years, which is a true record...most jobs last less than a year. i have had 6 jobs in the almost four years I've been in SoCal and now i am just itching to get out and do something different. i don't know if its boredom, if i get antsy, or i just like the newness of different situations, surroundings and challenges. i do know that i hate stagnation and being stagnant is one of my greatest fears of failure.
SO WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN?! it means i am going to learn Italian. and the BIGNORMOUS plans i have cooking in this little head of mine? they are going to follow suit with that lovely language. Vineman 70.3 2009, IMCozumel 2009, Italy 2010-2012 (with a pit stop in New Zealand for the IM one of my best friends is planning on doing)...?

so this is all just a seedling of a plan right now. its still in the beginning stages. i have so much to find out - what does getting a job in Italy entail? how/where would i live? what would i do? what am i qualified to do? do i have contacts who have contacts in Italy? what part of Italy should i have a main stay in? i've never even been out of the USA, Italy for Christ's sake?! am i crazy? what am i thinking?!
i am thinking this - i want to live. i want to experience all i can in this little life of mine. i have no real obligations in this juncture in my life save for my bills. so i sell everything i own, including Sammy, pay off most of my debt and have two years in Italy to laugh, love and live. fanciful? yes, maybe so. i am half Italian by sperm donation, so is it not my birth right to learn my blood heritage? Iris and momma have already concluded that a lengthy visit to the country would do them both a bit of good and i'm a resourceful type of girl, pretty brave, self reliant and damned determined. so just do it, no? then come back and see what life has in store next...hmmm.
so i thought i'd write it here, for all to see - that way i've said it outloud and the real research can begin because now i will have all of you to answer to if the seedling never comes to fruition :) back up move...Colorado, Santa Barbara, Texas (finally)...?
Wow!! That's HUGE!! That's GIGANTIC!! That's BIGNORMOUS!!!!!
You know it's also been a fantasy of mine to go live overseas for a while. I think it's a fantastic idea that you do it!
(And don't forget that you also lived in Mira Mesa for a spell... ;)
Wow! Good luck with that!!! It's going to be fun and exciting and stressful and awful and everything in between.
One piece of advice, though. Unless you're a big fan of poverty, get your visa situation worked out before you get there. I lived in Spain for almost 3 years, 2 of which I was there illegally. I thought it would be easier to find a job than it actually was. And that's in GOOD financial times. Also, be prepared for a much lower wage. I'm not sure about Italy, but I think it's about comparable to Spain. The cost of living is low, but the wages are even lower. Finally, I would try to find SOMETHING to do when you get there, whether it's an Italian class, teaching certification, cirque class... whatever, so that you have a way to meet people and can start to build a network of friends right away.
Good luck!
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