the close to a very tumultuous, trying year filled with massive change, weighted realizations, enormous accomplishments and mixed emotions.
i have a lot to be thankful for and even more to be thankful that i can leave behind.
no more talking about putting the past in the past, time to just do it.
starting yoga again has been a huge catalyst in releasing the bad, the old, the things that no longer hold purpose in my life and welcoming in the new and yet unseen potential of the future. this is going to be a big year - Vineman Half, AFC Half, IMCozumel to name a few and i'm starting to prep mentally and physically like never before. i am re-entering the tri world with ease, intelligence and low expectations since the expectations i set for myself are quite often way out of the realm of normalcy and tend to put so much pressure on my inner soul that i end up breaking after its all said and done. accomplishing the goals are just as fun in any manner, i do not have to kill myself in the process. keeping a clear head through this next year will be my main goal and keeping my body in the best shape for the challenges ahead is my main purpose - after that, all the rest is a bonus of infinite proportions that i will be grateful for in any way they are given to me.
happy new year's -
i hope it is filled with smiles, love, peace, joy and all the grandeur you'd like in whatever way you'd like it...

Yoga is always a good thing. Have a great new year and I look forward to reading about it all next year.
Sounds like a good turning point for you right now. Yea to a new year and new things. It'll be great!
Yea for a new year...09 is gonna be great for you and for me too. Love you!
I'm glad you wrote this down for all to see. Now later in the season when you're going all crazy, I can remind you go to back and read this entry. ;)
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