Friday, March 13, 2009

done and done

two 4:45AM spin sessions in two days? done
two yoga classes after work in two days? done

my appetite sure thinks i'm in full force training again, that's for sure. i had already eaten 4 times today by 1:45PM and again at 3:30 to get in some extra energy before attempting the toughest yoga instructor's class (by far - i think he likes to punish us for our undisciplined auras or something to that effect). so after just two days of activity, i'm STARVING! and eating a lot.

oh and i gave up all caffeine, all dairy and all additives this week and i'm trying to carry it as far as i can, or at least for a couple of weeks (Speedy has been seeing a lot of positive side effects from her Lenten denials) mainly because i've had too many "accidental ingestions of the gluten devil" in unsuspecting places, just waiting to pounce and attack my nervous system - sending me into bouts of unpleasantness. so the medical detox shake has been my first meal of the morning for the past 3 days and i'm already starting to feel a bit better. it is simply amazing what the right foods (or wrong ones in my case) can do for/to you! celiac is for the birds i tell ya...

so here's hoping the weekend goes as planned with an easy 60 mile ride on Saturday, time with my Iris and time with Dana (both LONG overdue!), a swim in the dreaded ocean BUT only if the weather is nice - that's the catch! and finally ending it all with a lovely South Beach dinner and catch up time with BG. its a full weekend - let's hope it all comes together smoothly. then, i'm hoping, the momentum will carry me into next week - into early morning swims, evening loops around Fiesta and more yoga to tap into my higher, spiritual self to pray for some sort of Godly guidance in this unclear life of mine.

have a great weekend. talk soon. much love and working out to you and yours :)


rocketpants said...

Great job getting back in it! Don't be too hard on yourself as you move into day at a time, one week at a time. You will get there. :-) Great ride today. Thanks for joining in on the fun.

Kathleen @ ForgingAhead said...

Sounds like you're doing well KB!

Keep it up!

Unknown said...

Way to attack the're inspiring me! Two more months, and you will be seeing the same kind of posts from me...what else will I do in Oki???

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