Thursday, September 10, 2009

RUN don't walk

so i go to the gym last night to do the following little workout that i came up with on the drive over:

X 4 rounds
25 med ball squats (10lb)
25 box jumps
25 sit ups
25 back extensions
400 M run

so i run into my new friend Marty and very easily talk him into joining me on my little Cross Fit inspired adventure. we walk over to the designated room to discuss our plan and noticed a Kettle Bell class going on so that kind of ruined those plans. just then Tony, who i love and has sort of taken over as my go to guy for everything gym related (rehab exercises, learning how to kick correctly, goop to put on my shoulder, etc...), walks up and we start to relay what we'd like to do and ask if he will open the back door for us so we can commence what i think to be a pretty hard workout. well crazy Marty some how gets it in his head that he was going to talk shit to Tony (this is a very bad, bad idea) because "he can do anything." so Tony, being the incredibly generous guy he is, says "well if my girl doesn't show to train, i'll come up and work you two out." here you're probably thinking, "oh, what a nice guy! people normally pay him big bucks to train them and here he is offering to do it for free!" right... he then proceeds to try to kill us...literally. i can't even remember what the hell kind of stuff he had us do. all i know is i could barely make my legs move to the next thing he had planned. he almost had Marty to the point of puking in the middle of it and i wanted to puke when it was over. i think the workout lasted about 45 minutes, maybe shorter, maybe longer. it was like i was there to start it all off and then it was like i just sort of blacked out until right before it was over where i woke up and felt an inordinate amount of pain in my lower extremities! i just sat there for what seemed like an hour afterward trying to get my legs back under me. i finally forced myself on to the elliptical for a 10 minute cool down 30 minutes AFTER the workout was completed. it. was. brutal.

take home lesson here kids: NEVER talk shit to Tony, ever. and if someone around you is talking shit, RUN - don't walk the other way.

1 comment:

Kathleen @ ForgingAhead said...

I love your takeaway lesson :-)

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