skipping - no, not that kind of skipping. skipping as in i totally and completely blew off my evening training plans last night. yes, this is the first time i have done this. i knew going into the afternoon that it was too late in the week to actually make it up at a later date. i knew this and i still let it happen! i was supposed to take Muffassa out for a 90 minute spin but i could not for the life of me get my body to join in on the deal. it just wasn't having it. in my defense, i was exhausted. i was having a hard time keeping my head up all day long. not necessarily because i was tired - which i was - but more so that my muscles just weren't cooperating with what my mind was wanting them to do. i struggled with energy all day. i was in a piss poor mood up until about noonish, when i finally started to feel a bit better after eating my homemade sandwich (gluten free toast, fresh avocado slices, brie goat cheese, spices, lettuce, red onion and WF honey roasted turkey). this pep was probably due to my conversation with Jennifer Barney and not the fact that i had gotten a second wind. by the time i left the office, all i could do to stay awake was to promise myself a very yummy dinner. so what did i do? i ate and then went to bed. how old am i these days i ask you?! something is definitely off on the nutrition front, but i haven't a clue what it is or how to fix it. i'm now delving into the fine tuning realm that is over my head. too bad nutritionists cost an arm and a leg. i guess more trial and error are ahead. and maybe i'll do an easy ride on Sunday just to try to fit in the mileage, maybe...

swimming - because of my evening slackassness, i knew for certain i would be getting in a bit longer swim this AM. a bit longer as in 2 miles. a bit longer as in i was supposed to swim 2400M and i ended up pounding out 3200M. the best part about it was that i felt fantastic. i was strong, smooth, graceful - almost dolphin like. okay, that's a total lie, but you get the point. i did it in pretty good time considering 1200 of that consisted of drills that tend to take a pretty good chunk of time. i left the pool feeling completely worn out but in good spirits because i had swam at least 200M more in the same amount of time that i had done my previous weeks 2900M and 3000M workouts. i was also feeling okay about skipping the previous night's session in favor of some extra rest because it seemed to have paid off in the pool. too bad my mile excursion in the ocean tonight didn't go so swimmingly if ya catch my drift.

conundrum 1 - so its casual Friday. i love casual Friday because, well, you get to be casual. in my office that means jeans and heels - still, its not dress pants and heels and that makes me happy...usually. usually i go to my closet, grab a pair of jeans, toss them on and go. as i am attempting to toss them on my body this morning, i notice they are quite snug in the leg and ass regions. and what do you know?! my pants no longer fit me. and do you know why? because i have re-centered myself in the triathlon world, leaving the marathon world and now my muscles have expanded in such a way that my once very comfy and almost baggy jeans DO NOT FIT ME ANYMORE. this could lead to a complex if i'm not careful so i'll just say this - it does not make me happy to have to go out and buy new jeans to fit my now very large and very in charge ass and legs into - especially when i need to purchase new tri shorts, new running shoes AND some sort of bike shipping package to get my dadgum speed racer to the starting line! not in the slightest i tell ya. and another thing, whoever said that muscle is never a bad thing straight up LIED. they must not have had to purchase a new wardrobe to fit that muscle. damn skinny asses don't know what they're talking about...
conundrum 2 - how is it that a brief encounter with someone you don't particularly ever want to have an encounter with happens, and it forever throws off the entire rest of your day?! a five second exchange and wam, bam, thank you mam you're left feeling used, dirty, dejected - i mean how can someone have that affect on another? like a 2 cent whore left on the side of the road after a night of shameful debauchery that led to a house catching on fire and underwear burning?! okay, who knows where that came from...but anyway, back to the point of this particular paradox - how is this possible i ask you?! lesson learned here kids - don't leave yourself open for surprise attacks and definitely don't take up the act of whoring yourself out, you don't want to get burned.
yea,the pant thing, don't know what to tell you. Not a fun discovery that is for sure. That can be the problem with triathlon training, waist gets smaller, and other parts do not follow so then pants just continue to fit weird.
Hmm, you averaged over 18 mph on Saturday right?
Yeah, the pants may get a little tighter but we are going to need that muscle for the speed. Muffassa is not going to ride itself.
wait until we start our 20 mile runs in '09, things are going to change again.
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