it's becoming quite apparent that as a triathlete you have no weekends. well, in traditional work week terms that is. it's also becoming quite apparent that as a triathlete you have no real days off - as in - there are no days of do what you want, when you want, where you want. a recap of a typical week (last week actually) for shits and grins:
Monday - MY SINGLE DAY OFF FROM WORKING OUT and i get to spend 4.5 hours in an accounting class to make myself worth more money at work, after i've left an 8-9 hour work day
Tuesday - 25 mile bike ride at 17.8 MPH around Pt. Loma and surrounding areas to "take in the sights" after leaving the office of another 8-9 hour work day. oh yes and let's not forget the 5:30AM circuit:
medicine ball sets X2
- 25 overhead situps
- 25 twists
- 1 min plank
circuit X3
- chaturanga X10
- rt leg squats X10
- lft leg squats X10
- overhead squat X15
medicine ball sets X2
- 25 overhead situps
- 25 twists
- 1 min plank
circuit X3
- chaturanga X10
- rt leg squats X10
- lft leg squats X10
- overhead squat X15
Wednesday - 4 AM 83 minute swim consisting of:
1000M W-U (swim)
- 50M rt arm pull
- 50M lft arm pull
- 100M pull
- 100M kick
600M paddle set (alternate)
- 100M Luke Drill
- 100M strong pull
100M C-D
= 2900M :)
followed by an 8-9 hour work day
Thursday - 5:30AM circuit:
medicine ball sets X2
- 25 overhead situps
- 25 twists
- 1 min plank
circuit X3
- chaturanga X10
- rt leg squats X10
- lft leg squats X10
- overhead squat X15
followed by an 8-9 hour work day only to preceed a one and half hour track session and the love to hate relationship i have with the outer rings of disdain:
1mi W-U
4XMain Set 1200M - 80%
- (5K race pace)
100M - slow jog between each 1200
30 sec rest
1mi C-D
- special "summer Friday" from work = day off, and what do i do with that lovely day off?! i swim just shy of 4 miles. 83 min 5 AM pool swim:1000M W-U (swim)
- 50M rt arm pull
- 50M lft arm pull
- 100M pull
- 100M kick
600M paddle set (alternate)
- 50M Luke Drill
- 50M sprint
200M C-D
= 3000M
what's that? did you say swim some more?! okay. cove swim without a wetsuit? sure:
1 mile ocean swim @ 4 (28min)
1 mile ocean swim @ 6 (32min)
Saturday - meet up with the TCSD group and Kevin's group to do a 53 mile ride that turned into a 57 mile - very climb friendly if you like climbs, or unfriendly if you don't - ride that took 206 min. (basically the Elfin Forrest Loop that i did with Kevin's group about a month ago, but backwards with some added mileage. i rode with a pretty fast and very fun group so the ride was really great. i thoroughly enjoyed myself and the company)
Sunday - meet Ryan M and Sandra at the Cove by 9:
1 mile swim (32 min)
followed by cooking duties at BG's BBQ where katie burgers were on the menu (ground beef, roasted chipotle raspberry sauce, spices, green onions, jalapenos and cheddar cheese all mixed in and thrown on the grill). a load of laundry and a horrible, one of the worst, brain cell killing movies later - off to bed to start it all over again.
so, i say "weekend schmeekend." there's no such thing if you're training for anything longer than an Olympic distance race. this is just a taste of what's to come too. i sort of can't even begin to wrap my brain around what is about to knock at my door in just 4 or 5 short months - or sooner if CB has any say in it, which he does. hell, let's not kid ourselves - he has all the say. so it looks like weekendless weeks are on my horizon for a while to come. ah well - i can swim, bike and run my way to the vacation waiting for me on the other side of November 29, 2009 where all of these weekendless shenanigans will be well worth it. until then, you can find me in either the pool/ocean, riding the white lines/climbing the Alps, or pounding the pavement/trails of Southern California - living, loving and taking it all all of its wonderful, magnificent, blessed glory.

1 comment:
Yeah, I've certainly noticed the same thing. No relaxing weekends--no nights off. Not even any time to go on dates.
Well--unless you specifically plan for it. I switched some of my workouts to the morning so I could at least get a couple of evening relaxing sessions and/or dates in.
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