Ask a Question - i've been doing this Primal Blueprint way of eating for about a week now and its going famously. not to get into too much grossness but i was having a lot of gastric un-niceties for the past couple of months. my stomach was flat as a board every morning when i woke up but by mid morning, i'd be bloated and gassy and just uncomfortable. this would last throughout the rest of the day and depending on if i had my gluten free sandwich or not - get worse or stay about the same. it would get so uncomfortable at times that my workouts would be hindered. not good. so i got to thinking - what have i changed/added from my daily routine that could be causing this impasse?
Do Background Research - that's when i stumbled upon Mark's website and then the answer sort of just exploded in my head - 100% CERTIFIED GLUTEN FREE ORGANIC OATMEAL! OATS!!!!! GLUTTEN FREE BREAD! MORE GRAINS!!!!!! the damn grainy culprits were wreaking havoc on my intestines and enjoying every minute of it. so what to do now? i mean i need the carbs for my training right? right?!
Construct a Hypothesis - NO! as i progressed through the site and read and read till my heart's content on the evils of CHO's and the transgressions they cause in the human existence, i learned what i already knew - i don't need the blasted buggers to get sustained energy or have good workouts. i just needed to train my body to utilize the other operating system instead of the glycogen cycle! the actual transfer of primary energy cycles is a long and sometimes arduous process - especially for athletes, but seeing as how i have always had a very low carb diet anyhow, i didn't think this would be too big of an issue. or hoping it wouldn't is more like it. so experimentation time began right away.
Test Your Hypothesis Part One - the initial experiment: go three days without any form of CHO except fruits and veggies, throwing in goat/sheep yogurt and cheese whenever possible. and what the hell do you know?! no bloating mid morning. no gassy-ness throughout the day. and certainly no hindrances to the evenings workouts! well howdee doodee, thanks and gig 'em. all of this AND IT'S TIME TRIAL WEEK YET AGAIN. CB wasn't so sure this switch in my daily diet routine needed to happen now, seeing as how we're less than 3 weeks out from the biggest event of my life thus far.
Test Your Hypothesis Part Two - i decided to continue the experiment throughout the TTs 1) because i hate them so passionately i might as well throw in some sort of element to keep me occupied, 2) because once i have an idea in my head, i must see it through until proven clearly, unequivocally incorrect and 3) because what could it really hurt to see what this new lifestyle could do for me if executed correctly. so here's what transpired (with previous results to compare)...
run TT (9/9)
mile1: 8:01
mile2: 8:04
mile3: 7:51
total time = 23:56
i should preface this with i absolutely did not want to do TTs this week. i even tried to weasel my way out of them with a very heartfelt plea that was immediately shot down with a "no" i didn't even get a "katie, you know this is important and it has to be done" nope just "no" plain and simple...how in the hell do you argue with that?! oy!
results - 10 secs slower (-)
previous run TT (8/12)
mile1: 7:49
mile2: 8:04
mile3: 7:53
total time = 23:46
swim TT (9/10)
1 - 1:58
2 - 1:59
3 - 1:58
4 - 1:59
5 - 2:00
6 - 1:58
7 - 1:55
8 - 1:56
9 - 1:56
10 - 1:53
this actually felt really good. it took me awhile to warm up but after that i felt like i could keep this pace up for at least another 3 or 4 hundred...
results - tons more consistent and tons faster (+)
previous swim TT (8/13)
1 - 1:50
2 - 1:53
3 - 2:00
4 - 2:01
5 - 2:10
6 - 2:12
7 - 2:06
8 - 2:10
9 - 2:05
10 - 2:08
bike TT (9/11)
12.01 miles
20.1 avg mph
damn i can't remember the total time (34 something or other - i think), i'll check tonight. this includes one complete stop bc of a stupid car and the best part is no puking off the bike this time (YIPPEEEEE!)! my stomach stayed fairly "settled" although it came close, but i think it had more to do with the effort level than what was in my tummy
results - faster, stronger (+)
previous bike TT (8/14)
12.05 miles
19.6 avg mph
36:24 total time
Analyze your data and draw conclusions - it looks like i'm still on the up and up with this new way of eating:
1) my tummy feels better
2) gastric distress is better by the day
3) run results - 10 secs slower (-) i have a feeling this was a mental breakdown and had nothing to do with my actual diet. i plain and simple didn't want to do it. i was out on a track alone so i had no accountability and it was windy, swim results - tons more consistent and faster (+), bike results - faster, stronger (+)
4) i've been getting headaches, but nothing unbearable and i don't know if this is because of the diet change or dehydration - probably the latter
5) my energy is semi-low but not desperately so, and i find that as long as i keep snacking and hydrating, i'm normally fine. this opposed to my energy lacking because my body is trying so hard to digest and do something with the grainy toxins i've just fed it - looks like an even trade offReport your results - what the hell do you think this post is?! i'd say my hypothesis was right on target, wouldn't you agree?
Talk about detail oriented....
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. What a great blog you have. It will take me a while to catch up on reading it, but it's great!
Cool- thanks Katie... I will see ya in Texas :)
Oh my goodness you got a LOT to say in this post, hope you get those run tt's back to where you want em'!!
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