well San Fran was pretty amazing. i really love it there. its quite a bit chillier so
i'd probably be miserable in the winter months, but i really liked it. i think this is the 4
th time i have made the trip and each time am reminded why i like it so much...the trees. they're everywhere. the smell. the sight. the sound. endless forests of enchanting, magnificent works of nature that only Mother Earth could produce. in a word - perfection. i could explore redwood forests for hours upon hours upon hours. to sleep under a redwood is an experience that can't be matched, so
i'd imagine sleeping in a redwood would be a treat unlike any other. the beauty of the northern coast of California is enchanting to put it in words and i love it.

i did find myself in the midst of an extremely entertaining race Sunday morning. if you've never spectated the Escape from Alcatraz
tri, i highly recommend you do - its a good one. i saw many triathletes that i could call by name, which was really exciting, besides the one i went to see ;) it was fantastic to be at a race again and just fueled my passion to get back on the course even more.
i'm really looking forward to getting back to the skill level and strength i enjoyed before my knee surgery and then surpass it in leaps and bounds. of course
i'll just keep right on going until i am stronger and better than i ever thought possible. i found my drive for the sport again. i am ready to take on the challenge and although my first
tri back won't be until Wildflower Long Course 09 (solely due to my lack of race funds. i need a sponsor...anyone know anyone who wants to sponsor a middle of the pack no-
namer?), i am planning to start my merge back into the sport immediately. i have big plans for next season,
commencing with my first half ever - Wildflower Long Course, followed up by
Vineman 70.3, and finished off with the Longhorn Half. these three race will all lead up to
Ironman 2010. if you have any suggestions for my
Ironman location feel free to shoot 'em at me. i have no idea which one i want to do but i figure i still have a bit of time to get that all mapped out.
so in light of all of this, i will be taking Gabriel out for the first time today to ride him as many times around Fiesta as i possibly can before the sun sets. i should be out there and riding by 6 and hope to get in at least 4 or 5 laps. i really just want to get a good feel for him before i take him out on the open road, where i am hoping we just click...click so well that we ride as one. i'm looking forward to getting back in the saddle and giving Gabe the ride of his life. ahhh, the beginnings of a new relationship with your new bike...nothing like it :)
happy tri-ing everyone...
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