800m Run
Hip Mobility
50 Box Jumps for Time (2:01, first one finished)
2m Weights Plank Hold (25/15) ***Shelly will be wearing 20# Vest and a 15# Plate
800m Run
Hip Mobility
50 Box Jumps for Time (2:01, first one finished)
2m Weights Plank Hold (25/15) ***Shelly will be wearing 20# Vest and a 15# Plate
MOD: Clean
AKA "Full Squat Clean"
5-5-3-3-1-1got up to 95#, couldn't get up out of my front squat on 105, but got "in position" 3 times, just couldn't come up out of it :( i'll get there tho!
AKA "Full Squat Clean"
5-5-3-3-1-1got up to 95#, couldn't get up out of my front squat on 105, but got "in position" 3 times, just couldn't come up out of it :( i'll get there tho!
WOD: "Shelly" 20m AMRAP
3 OH Lunge (135/95)
9 Front Squat (135/95)
1 Wall Climb
29 Dbl Understhis should probably be counted as a DNF, my form SUCKED. did 75# but my OHL were pitiful and my back knee didn't ever touch the ground, well once, but then i fell backward so i just went to "hover" position on those :(
6 full rounds + 12
3 OH Lunge (135/95)
9 Front Squat (135/95)
1 Wall Climb
29 Dbl Understhis should probably be counted as a DNF, my form SUCKED. did 75# but my OHL were pitiful and my back knee didn't ever touch the ground, well once, but then i fell backward so i just went to "hover" position on those :(
6 full rounds + 12
things to note: 1) i made a special effort to work out today in honor of Shelly's bday because, well i heart her and thought it would be a nice thing to do...too bad my body hates me now for it, 2) this is SHAMEFUL to admit but alas...if i had not already promised myself that i was going to do Shelly's bday WOD for the sheer willingness of participating in a "tribute" to her, i would have had to workout anyway - i decided at 8 that i would HAVE to workout the next morning and i made this decision based on the fact that my last meal of the day CAN include 1/4C of sweet potato IF i work out the next day...my stomach totally hijacked that one and won out, hands down. for shame, 3) Hot Kim is an animal and i aspire to be like her when i grow up, 4) i told THE PASTOR'S WIFE about my intention to start tithing. nothing like having the right hand man hold you accountable. i asked her to pray for me. this is going to be hard, but now, every time i think, "nah, i'm not going to tithe..there's so much other "stuff" i can do with that money" i hear sweet Kelly friend's voice saying, "No, no, no friend. We must be obedient to God in all areas of our lives, not just some of them. Being faithful to God doesn't work that way"...damn. she is SO right. i mean, Jesus did die on the cross for me and it wasn't so i could spend more money at LuLuLemon...tear* so tithing will begin this Sunday, God please help my heart and mind to have a giving and open hand with the money You have given me to manage... 5) prayer list today includes the following:
- Jamie's boobs, something that starts with a M and is giving her trouble breastfeeding...pray for that to GO AWAY!
- still praying for Harlan & Casi, that his heart is peaceful and that her heart finds its way back to his, as "What God has joined together, let no man put asunder"
- Kim S, she's sick and has a LOT on her plate..pray for healing of the heart and body for her.
- Hot Kim's sister - she is having surgery for an adrenal tumour that is also affecting her pituitary...pray for the baby she is carrying that is makes it through and that they both heal quickly and filled with God loving grace.
- baby Abby is sick and needs prayers for healing
- Jamie's friend from college just recently lost her baby girl to cancer...lift them up in prayer, for a supernatural peace and love in their hearts in this extremely difficult loss and time of need.
think that's it. still have to write about the meal plan progress and my small group "thing" but i'll get to that later. right now, i need to get on back to the ol' jobarooni ;) XOXO