Friday, January 27, 2012

some updates...

1. coachie poo came through! she sent me my food challenge/meal plan last night and it is, well, different. i'm not gonna lie, it frightens the crap-ola out of me. there are a shit ton more carbs than i am used to, but not a whole lot of fat which again, not used to. i am so excited/anxious to see how my body responds to this. we will take it a week at a time to see what reactions my weight and BF have with the changes. i will also be adding in one more day a week of AM WODing for this next month to see how my adrenal exhaustion copes. i'm REALLY looking forward to the next couple of months of seeing how my body is going to grow (muscles) and lose (fat). mission 16% BF STAT will officially be under way on Monday, as i need to go to Whole Wallet and stock up on the necessities. fuN, fUN, FUN!

2. WOD this AM was actually a really nice change of pace. it was a strength WOD and we worked on snatch (one of my most challenging lifts, actually it IS my most challenging lift). it was REALLY good to be able to work on form and slowly build in weight. i felt better about my snatch form leaving the gym today then ever before. confidence is key in O lifting and i'm gaining more each time we do stuff like this! now this is NOT to say that i am very strong, but i will get there...someday :)

PVC Warmup
Bergener Warmup
400m Run
10 L Sit Pullups
10 CTF Pushups
High Pull Exercises
Power Snatch
WOD: "21"
Find your Max Effort Power Snatch in 21 Mins with a Med Ball Clean "Finisher"
1 Min Power Snatch
6 Med Ball Cleans (20/16)
Rest with left over Min-Reset Weight
worked up to last 2 sets of 70# and got about 3 reps each in those minutes. form wasn't great, but it was def better than it ever has been!

3. the new gate is finally up on our privacy fence, the new dog house if finished (i pick it up on Saturday), and as soon as i get Magpie's new doggie oasis set up i will post pics of her new digs. it. will. be. AWESOME.

4. i have realized something major that i have grown to not like about myself and i need help changing it. i am an interrupter to the highest degree. it doesn't matter who it is, i interrupt. all. the. time. it's not that what the other person isn't important or that what i have to say is more important, i just get excited when an idea pops into my head that i think is relevant and will connect me to that person on an even deeper level and i do not want to forget it. however, this is no excuse. in the end, i am showing that person that they are not important enough to let finish their sentence/thought, even though that is not what i am intending. so i have asked God for the discipline i need to be self aware enough to stop this horrid trending in my behavior. i fear this is going to be a hard lesson learned and some serious embarrassment is going to be had, as i do it so often that i am bound to slip...and because i have now enlisted God's help and he does NOT mess around, i am in for some rude awakenings if i choose to ignore his gentle nudges in the right direction. so far this morning, i have done well, i wrote "listen" on my hand so i am reminded of it often and when i was talking to one of my fellow managers this morning, i kept repeating "listen" over and over in my head so as not to interrupt...this is going to be a tough one to break, but it MUST be done. it is rude and i am ashamed that i do it so often. i've been praying for extra self awareness when it comes to this so that i hopefully can catch myself in the act and create a new behavior pattern quickly. pray for me :)

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