Friday, February 24, 2012

200# deadlift PR

yeah, that's right, 3 reps, oh yeah, doin the happy dance ;) man oh man i wish i could call el hubbo right now (miss him so much, especially on days like today when i know he would be SO proud of me, he loves it when i lift heavy and hit new marks!)!!!!!!!!! 1RM before was 190#!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah, i'm gettin' stronger, oh yeah (i'm singing if you can't tell, hahahhahhahaha!). on top of all of that, my shoulder is feeling TONS better! thank you Jesus for binding up my wounds and answering my prayers, each day as i walk with you i feel your presence and all encompassing love. i am so glad i listened to your voice and have been spending more one on one time with you each evening :) now, i just pray that it stands up to the big test tomorrow - first Open WOD of the season...7 min max burpees...makes me want to pee myself already :(

500m Row
15 Ring Dips
15 T2B
15 Back Ext
15 Skin the Cat
15 DB Thruster
MOD: Deadlift
85#, 135#, 155#. 185#, 195#, 200#!!!!!!i added an additional round of 3 so i could hit 200# :)

WOD: 12m AMRAP -  Rx'd
9 Med Ball Cleans (20/16)
6 Slam Balls (20/16)
3 Med Ball push ups
100M sprint
9 rounds total, came in just as the clock hit 12min, TG! this was a deceptively rough WOD, i kept thinking before we started, "oh this won't be that bad..." WRONG WRONG WRONG. it. hurt. a lot.

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