we shot the shit on the way up, all of us trying not to think about what we were about to begin, our longest run to date - 20 miles. we exited the train and began to make our way through the massive crowd of fellow runners. it just so happens that the TNT RNR team in its entirety was also doing the exact same run, as well as two other run groups. it would be a nice race simulation had we waited to start along side them, but we took off before the other runners had even begun to gather to listen to last minute instruction. it was already 7:15 and we were anxious to get going.
Michael decided to take his own path straight down the coast to add on the extra 2 miles at the end of the run. we opted to tack on the mileage on the front end...there would be no way i could run past my car without veering off to greet it with open arms and impossible to not drive away in it without adding in the final two miles. this decision was the best i would make all day.
Elle, Alexis and I all began the run together and stuck beside each other for the first 4-5 miles or so. as the run stretched on, we broke apart and settled into our own runs and took it from there. i have to say here, thank God for IPods...really, thank you Lord for giving someone the idea to invent them. i know they are a puss way to train, but Lord, thank you...i had already started to hurt pretty badly in the good ole' knees and IT and we were only 6 miles into the run. this was going to be a lllooooooonnnnnngggggg day.
my nutrition was spot on, Accelerade the entire time in my run bottle along with 2 packs of shot blocks that i took about every 20 minutes. i felt great energy wise and cardiovascularly. i was stoked to be running this route but from here it turned into a mixture of complete awe and terror. i can't really go into too much detail bc as i hit Encinitas (the town before Solana Beach where our cars were), which i approximate to be about 6 miles out, i had tunnel vision. i have never in my entire life been in so much pain (read pain as "the most unimaginable struggle between body and mind you could possible fathom"). i had to stop and walk 3 times bc the pain was making me

i've come to the conclusion that i may have a pinched nerve or something of the sort in my sacral area along with the screaming banshee that has been inhabiting my IT. i have an appointment with the sports chiropractor on Thursday. i am praying he can do something...I DID NOT MAKE IT THIS FAR TO QUIT NOW, NO WAY NO HOW!
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