Tuesday, August 11, 2009

WOD 8/11/2009

warm up - one lap + stretching

400M sprint
25 sit ups
15 burpees
25 sit ups
X 4 rounds
16:40...maybe? all i know is i tied with Jackie who is the strongest female in our group so i was super stoked. i know i heard the 40 correctly but i cant remember the first number. i do know that Matt, who is a mother effing rockstar, finished in 15 something and we finished not too far behind him. so in a really strong group i finished second today which is completely awesome because i KNOW i'm getting stronger/fitter and it feels AWESOME!

so we use these things called "sit up boards" when we do these exercises - they are little black squares that have a cushiony top and an apex so that it supports the lower portion of your back during each set and at one point in the series, i think it was round 2, i was really in the zone - pumping out burpees like it was my job and as i began to switch gears back in to the sit ups, i was so concentrated on my next move that when i plopped down to start them off, i sat off to the side of the sit up board (like one ass cheek on, one ass cheek off) and kind of tumbled over. and did i mention we are doing this WOD outside, in a parking lot that has never been swept and i am off to the side in the dirtiest possible spot? so picture this - little katie b, completely covered (as in head to toe, not exaggerating) in black smut like Bert in Mary Poppins when they are doing the chimney dances on the roof tops, plopping down to what she thinks is a flat surface, with the most determined look on her face only to find herself toppling to the side and on to her face! Susannah just started laughing her ass off and said something like "i don't know what your doing over there, but its sure different than what's going on over here!" she had me laughing so hard i couldn't even concentrate on getting back into a rhythm. i finally found some semblance of seriousness and got back in it, but i'd just start giggling again every time i thought of my little stumble. classic.


Kathleen @ ForgingAhead said...

check you out rocking the workouts!

rocketpants said...

You are killing those crossfit workouts! Nice job!

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