Thursday, August 27, 2009

WOD 8/27/2009...well sort of

as in i didn't do the WOD today. at all. because my shoulder is so jacked up, i had to do the following and can i just tell you up front how much it sucked? and can i also tell you how much i freaking loved it?! :)

warm up - 2 laps + stretching + 3 rounds of 10 air squats, 10 sit ups, 10 back extensions

tabbata squats (score was your lowest # in the allotted split time, mine was 14 - OUCH!)
400 M jog (to loosen the legs, where in said legs didn't begin to properly move until i was just about done with the lap!)
25 box jumps
24 sit ups
X 4 rounds (just the jumps and sit ups, NOT the tabbatas and 400!)

and then i was done. spent. kaput. check ya later dude.

i think Jeremy (who has a story of his own in the "random acts of katrina file" but who stood in for Susannah today as the instructor and will again tomorrow) was a little annoyed i couldn't do anything with my shoulder, but what the hey - he made me do tabbatas for it, and then i made up the rest bc well, i was tired at the end of that, but not good and tired...and if you know katie b at all, you should know i never stop until it hurts. never.

;) now for Muay Thai tonight...nothin but fun kids. nothin. but. fun.

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