Wednesday, August 5, 2009

WOD 8/5/2009

well let me just start off by saying i am so beyond dead, like i can't freaking function right now. i am definitely taking tomorrow off! there is no way in hell i'd be able to be any kind of productive! all i could think while we were doing our workout this morning was "holy shit Muy Thai was a BBBBAAAAAAADDDDDD idea last night, i think i'm going to die" hahahaha, that's what i get, i guess, for trying to do it all! the class consisted of Jhanex trying everything in his power to break me (or so it went in my head, he really doesn't even know who i am, so it wasn't really personal but i made it that way). he is by far the toughest instructor i have taken a class from to date. after an hour of brutality, he decided to end the class with something he referred to as 30/20/30 - as in 30 burpees, 20 mountain climbers, 30 squat jumps TIMES THREE MOTHER EFFING ROUNDS! and kept saying "if any of you fuck it up, we're starting over" and he meant it because he kept making us start over during our warm up! what the hell?! are you trying to make it so i can't walk off the mat when this is over!? and if that wasn't bad enough, he decided to tack on an extra 30 partner sit-ups TIMES FOUR PAINFUL ROUNDS!

oh and i ran in to this guy last night after class that i had been out with a couple of times, and tried to have a conversation with him but i was clearly not coherent. he said something, but since i never listen to what actual words leave his mouth, i replied with basically the same thing he had just said about my best friend's husband, who is a Navy EOD and is deploying for Afghanistan this week, he was like "uh yeah, i got to go" or something like that. it may have been a little more involved than that, but not much - although i wasn't even speaking clearly bc i was so effing dead from the class. after he walked away i just sort of like flopped to the ground in an attempt to stretch but really just sat there and then when i got up, found a puddle of sweat in the general shape of my ass! classy and attractive all at the same time i tell ya. if i thought anything of him at all, i might have been a little offended that he wouldn't even take 5 min to talk to me, but i honestly couldn't even form a coherent thought to save my life so then i find myself at Cross Fit this morning and the following hell ensues...

warm up - 3 laps + stretching

8 rounds of Tabata Bottom2Bottom Squats - this means you do squats for 20 seconds, hold you're down, engaged position for 10 seconds (this she called your rest time, MY ASS IT WAS REST TIME!) and then shoot back up to do 20 more seconds of squats, 10 more seconds of "rest" times 8 rounds
800 M sprint
8 rounds of Tabata Top2Top Push Ups - pretty much the same thing as above but instead of the down position hold for the 10 seconds "rest" you hold the plank position.

this was a horrid workout. just. horrid.


rocketpants said...

That makes me want to throw up just thinking about it!! I hope you can walk tomorrow. ;-)

Kathleen @ ForgingAhead said...

You go KB!

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