this seems to be working so far, whenever i feel the stress coming on, or i start to freak out in the moment i am in, i think "Big Sky" and it helps to put things into perspective. the boyfriend came up with it about a week ago and i really have been quite successful (so far) in using it. so here's to big skies (and awesome boyfriends).
i didn't really have any goals for 2009 per say, save for stay healthy and live in the moment and seeing as how the above resolution is in reference to that very thing, i think its safe to say that i did NOT accomplish that last year. so, goals for the new, this is a work in progress so please keep your laughter to yourselves ;)
1) complete Iris' fast/diet cleanse (starts January 5!)
2) lose 8 lbs of fat and KEEP IT OFF (this of course means i need to actually weigh myself, ugh!)
3) regain my muscle definition and then build on that until i am happy with the way i look again (this damn torn rotator cuff has really put a damper on my workouts)
4) resume yoga practice at least once a week in order to stay limber and injury free
5) to read more - at least 5 new books this year, front to back!
6) love myself and who i am everyday no matter what
7) pay off my credit card and then start working on my personal loan
8) to realize what it is i want to do with my life (work wise) and take at least 3 steps toward accomplishing it